Alianza Empresarial para el Desarrollo, AED the leading point of reference in Costa Rica on social responsibility and sustainability issues, is our partner for facilitating our programs in Costa Rica, Central America and the Caribbean.
AED is a forward-thinking organisation, well connected to its more than hundred members, representing Costa Rica’s most influential corporates, SME’s and NGO’s.
Olga Sauma, Ethel Maldonado, Michelle Libby, Thais Anya, Angélica Barboza Leitón, and Fernando Alonso Campos-Calderon are certified facilitators for our VR Workshop EARTH FROM SPACE and CIRCULAR LEADERSHIP development training.
We would like to thank all who support our mission: Olga Sauma,Alexandra Kissling, Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in Costa Rica, christine pirenne, Esteban Gracias, Annahita Nezami, DPsych, Charles Perring, David Schemtob and our VR partners VR Expert and EarthscapeVR!