Industry Association Lage Weide in Utrecht

We kicked off the new year at Lage Weide with the VR-Experience. Attendees were confronted but also inspired during this experience. The experience was frequently discussed during the drinks afterwards. But the most appealing initiatives for Lage Weide for the coming period were briefly explained as well.

Overwhelming experience

Through the VR-Experience, attendees experienced the ‘Overview Effect’. In other words: Egbert Mulder of Circular Leadershop made the participants aware of the fragility of our earth. In the ensuing discussion, our (negative) impact was thereby discussed and made poignantly visible. Fortunately, the positive impact we can have as individuals and entrepreneurs was also made clear.

Park management Lage Weide and ILW are committed to a good business climate, working on a clean, whole and safe Lage Weide. They are the entrepreneurs’ spokesman towards politicians and civil servants and we organise events.

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